The BLAST Project


The Boosting sociaL mediA preSence veT (BLAST) project’s main activities aim to achieve the following goals:

  • Improving the capacity of VET schools to use social media;
  • Increasing the attractiveness of VET;
  • Promoting the increased flexibility of opportunities in VET by using social media’s digital tools;
  • Boosting the positive image of VET as a future-fit educational system
  • The desired outcome is to bring a positive change in VET schools by increasing enrolment rates.

The partnership will develop a handbook – “Guidelines for social media management of vocational schools”, to accomplish the desired outcomes.

This practical guide will help facilitate the required knowledge for cultivating an audience in a click-to- connect world.

The BLAST project will provide its participants with tailor-made training to further develop VET school’s social media managers’ skills and effectively promote their school’s image to both potential students and their parents. The project expects ultimately to achieve an improved VET image through BLAST. We foresee a better understanding of the permeability of VET, which will consequently lead to increased enrolment rates. It wants to enable the perception of VET as an attractive entry ticket into the global education system, which is on par with general education. The intended result of increased VET attractiveness for learners will, in consequence, encourage individuals to choose VET deliberately.

Coordinator of the project: Modern Education Foundation, Bulgaria

Our partner: TIA Formazione, Italy

Project website:

The FOR-J Project

FOstering alternative means of conflict solutions through Restorative Justice practices and innovative tools 

The FOR-J project is an Erasmus+ project, co-funded by the European Commission, on a mission to spread the word about effective conflict resolution techniques among Europe’s youth.

With a keen eye on issues stemming from migration and discrimination, we’re dedicated to fostering understanding and unity. But we’re not stopping there – we’re also crafting cutting-edge digital tools to equip youth workers with the skills they need to promote peace and harmony.

The project goals:

  • Raise awareness among youth workers about restorative justice mechanisms and their application, sharing good practices.
  • Increase the technical skills of youth workers for the application of restorative justice mechanisms and innovative tools.
  • Build partners’ capacity to operate jointly and reinforce their network, boosting the internationalization of their activities.

The mission of the project is to help young people in Europe deal with conflicts better, especially when they come from different backgrounds or face discrimination.

FOR-J want to act as a bridge to share ideas on how to solve problems peacefully, by creating easy-to-use online tools to help youth workers with new ways to handle disagreements and build peace.

Coordinator of the project: TNC Talent N creativity

Partners: MIITR (International Institute for Implementing Sustainable Development), Fundatia Professional, Solis SRL, EMP (European Migrant Platform)

Project website

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